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Overly aggressive use of antibiotics harmful to public

Missouri residents understand the value of ensuring the safety of pharmaceuticals, whether prescription or over the counter, as a vital means of maintaining public health. Drug injuries can cause life-long problems. However, a drug injury may not always result from a defective drug or even from harmful side effects. Being prescribed the wrong medication, especially one that is stronger than what is truly needed, can be damaging down the road as well as at the time.

A report from the University of Utah claims that medical professionals are too quick to prescribe an antiobiotic that is stronger than what is truly needed. The researchers claim that in more than 60 percent of cases, a prescription for a broad-spectrum medication, such as Levaquin, is given. Additionally, the report claims that 25 percent of the time an antiobiotic is prescribed that is not at all appropriate for the condition and will be uneffective in treating it.

The concern with overuse of antiobiotics is the potential future development of antibiotic-resistent bacteria. Such bacteria can provide serious health risks to the public. Prescribing appropriate types and dosages of antibiotics should be considered a matter of ensuring drug safety for patients. Any long-term treatment or repeated use of the most common antibiotics can lead to harmful side effects down the road.

Missouri citizens should be informed about what medications they are being prescribed. Anyone with a concern about drugs recommended for them may wish to consider speaking to an attorney. Staying safe is important for one’s health.

Source: Digital Journal, “Are medics prescribing too many antibiotics?,” Tim Sandle, August 13, 2013


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