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Antidepressants liked to increase risk of miscarriage

Millions of Americans struggle with the negative side-effects associated with depression. Thankfully, today there are a number of effective treatment options for those who suffer depression. A class of prescription medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs are among the most common and effective methods used to treat depression.

While there are a number of side-effects commonly experienced by individuals taking SSRIs, new research indicates that women who take SSRIs while pregnant may experience an increased risk of suffering a miscarriage. In fact, certain SSRI medications have been shown to increase a pregnant woman’s chances of having a miscarriage by more than 50 percent.

For the study, researchers examined the medical records of some 5,000 pregnant women. Of those women studied, roughly 20 percent experienced a miscarriage. This number is in line with national averages and alone was not noteworthy. However, when researchers examined the medical histories of those women who experienced miscarriages, a higher than average percentage were taking a SSRI when the miscarriage occurred.

The SSRIs commonly known as Paxil and Effexor were among the most dangerous to pregnant women, but all SSRIs pose potential risks to a pregnant woman and an unborn child. It’s important, therefore, that women who are planning to become pregnant speak with their health care provider about their depression symptoms and remain open-minded about possible alternatives.

Many doctors contend that there are a number of effective SSRI drugs that pose little to no risk to pregnant women. It’s important, however, that a woman make the decision on whether or not she feels comfortable taking any form of SSRI, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Drug makers who fail to warn doctors and members of the public about potential risks and negative side effects associated with certain prescription drugs may be deemed negligent if injury or death occurs. Likewise, doctors who fail to warn patients of potential negative risks and side-effects run the risk of being the subject of a medical malpractice lawsuit., “Risk of Miscarriage Linked to Antidepressants,” Steven Reinberg, May 31, 2013

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