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Hepatitis B vaccine recalled due to vial manufacturing defect

Consumers look to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for vigiliance and protection against harmful drugs every day. Without proper oversight, a drug injury or even wrongful death can occur all too easily. The watchful eye of the FDA investigates over the counter medication, prescription medication and vaccinations and, when appropriate, recalls are issued in order to ensure public safety.

Recently, the FDA informed the public via a post on its website of a voluntary recall of an injectible hepatitis B vaccine. Subsequently, the pharmaceutical manufacturer recalled a batch of just over 27,000 vials of the vaccine that had been made at one of its plants. The drug maker, Merck & Co., pulled the vials due to an issue related to the glass used in the vials that made them susceptible to cracking. A potential crack in the glass could lead to contamination of the contents.

The administration of hepatitis B vaccinations has dramatically reduced the instances of the disease in America. The facility where the affected vials were manufactured is in West Point and all vials contained an adult dose of the vaccine. A pediatric version is also made by the manufacturer.

Pharmaceutical liability for problems resulting from such manufacturing defects could be widespread and it is always wise for the public to be aware of drug recalls, drug interactions and side effects. If you suspect that you have received a harmful drug, consulting with a professional can help you learn your rights and what compensation may be available to you.

Source:, “Merck recalls hepatitis B vaccine,” David Sell, July 5, 2013


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