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Risperidone and Ropinirole Prescription Mix-Up

The drug Risperidone, which is more commonly referred to as Risperdal, has yet another mark against its record. However, this has nothing to do with the drug itself, but instead, pharmacists have been filling prescriptions intended for Ropinirole with Risperdal and vice versa.

To complicate matters even more, the drug Ropinirole is used to treat parkinson’s disease, while Risperdal is an antipsychotic prescribed to treat bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and irritability for individuals diagnosed with autism, among other conditions.

This has created additional problems for those taking the drug Risperdal and added to the litany of complaints associated with it. The use of Risperdal has lead to side effects including, movement disorders, heart problems, diabetes, gynecomastia, and pituitary tumors that can be potentially deadly.

If you or a loved one has used Risperdal and experienced any of these side effects, please consult a medical health professional. Additionally, if you believe that it is a result of using Risperdal please contact the Risperdal attorneys of The Roberts Law Firm today for a consultation @ 636-530-9199.


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